About us | Luxury Baby Fashion
About us

The name behind the Luxury Baby Fashion brand is Nataša Cifrić – a young entrepreneur and designer with a degree in Tourism.
Luxury Baby Fashion was born out of my love for fashion, details and photography. I had an idea about starting a fashion brand for a while, but I started following through with it when I found out I was pregnant with my daughter Nikol who is now brand’s main ambassador and model.
Nikol is my little princess and I wished and dreamed about her for years. When I found out that my dream was finally coming true, I started searching for the fabrics, little details and everything necessary to make all the things I was dreaming about for years.

I made Baby nest for Nikol – the design I worked out myself down to the last detail, bed linen with ruffles, baby bodysuits with ruffles, bodysuits with lace and tulle, dresses and accessories…everything was ready even before she was born and I could not wait for us to start enjoying all these wonderful items I designed and made especially for her. We received a lot of compliments and positive comments and, of course, I felt very proud.
And this is how the idea of starting Luxury Baby Fashion website was born – out of one mom’s love for fashion and the desire that other little princesses and princes also have unique and different clothing.

The brand was created with great love and every item is made with maximum attention. As our audience could already see, our favorite colours: pastel pink and gold are a theme throughout the entire brand. I must confess we have become recognisible for this as well as the gold crown – our logo which is protected by the Croatian State Intellectual Property Office.
All our items have the gold crown and the name Luxury Baby Fashion.
In addition to making all our items with great love, I pay special attention to details and choose them with great care. As I also adore details in personal life, I am really happy I can show my creativity at work through my designs and all the particularities which are essential in every photo.

I love presenting my clothes in the photos, and I like adding all the beautiful pastel and gold details which make my every photo unique and distinguished.
In the rich assortment of Luxury Baby Fashion you can find handmade items of my own design and of the finest quality.
If you are looking for unique and irresitible clothing, something different for your little princess, then Luxury Baby Fashion is the place for you.

In our assortment, you can find the Baby nest – item I designed myself and was the first to introduce in the Croatian market, something I am extremely proud of.
LBF Baby nest is made for babies from their birth until 9 months old or even up to 1 year, it is specially designed for them.

Baby nest is made of the finest quality fabric 100% satin cotton with beautiful lace border and a big satin bow which matches the colour of the nest.
Besides the outward appearance and design, I have paid a lot of attention to create the easiest way you can take out the filling and wash the outside fabric.
Baby nest will provide your baby with pleasant dreams from the first day of their life, and moms no longer have to be afraid to fall asleep next to their newborn baby. You simply lay the Baby nest next to you and enjoy the proximity of your little angel and have sweet dreams.

In our assortment you can also find personalized bed linen with gold print, personalized pillowcases with a crown and the name of your prince or princess, small pillowcases with ruffles for basket strollers, canopy with ruflles, personalized baby bodysuits, glamurous dresses for special occasions, matching dresses and tunics for moms and their little princesses…
Details like gold wings, gold crown, inscription „ Princess“, gold hangers, shoes and the luxury box of our brand are a theme that goes throughout our entire story and photos -they are private property and our signature items.